Scuba Cylinder Specifications

Here are some dimensions and specifications for scuba cylinders. This is by no means an exhaustive list. These numbers should be taken as approximate since equivalent tanks from different manufacturers will differ slightly. The two most common models - the Catalina aluminum 80 and Luxfer aluminum 80 - are highlighted, along with my favorite, the OMS LP steel 85.

  • Weight, full - this is what you will have to be able to lift, in and out of your car, around the dock, and up the boat ladder with all your other gear. Times two for doubles.
  • Weight, empty - this is pretty much irrelevant
  • Buoyancy, empty - this is what you need to weight yourself for, so that you can do a safe free stop at 20 feet at the end of your dive
  • Buoyancy, full - this is what your BC needs to be able to support when you jump in the water, otherwise you are a "dirt dart" heading straight for the bottom and disaster
DimensionsWeightBuoyancy +

Luxfer 6363.0300021.97.2526.931.72.5-2.3
Catalina 8077.4300025.87.2531.637.64.1-1.7
Luxfer 8077.4300026.17.2531.737.44.4-1.4
"Super 80"80.0300022.98.0035.040.92.2-3.7
generic 100100.0330026.28.0040.848.23.5-3.9

LP Steel:
OMS* 6666.0264021.07.0025.028.8-1.7-5.5
Faber 7271.4300020.56.8429.034.4-5.9-11.3
OMS* 8585.0264026.07.0031.037.7 10.0-6.7
OMS* 9898.0264024.08.0038.045.70.0-7.7
PS** 104104.0264026.28.0046.054.1-2.5-10.6
OMS* 108108.0264026.08.0041.048.0-1.0-8.0
PS** 120120.0264033.08.0054.063.50.0-9.5
OMS* 121121.0264029.08.0045.054.50.0-9.5
OMS* 135131.0264030.78.0047.058.10.8-10.3
OMS* 7171..0344021.36.7524.730.1-1.4-7.0
OMS* 8080.0344020.97.2528.634.7-1.7-8.1
PS** 8080.0350019.87.2527.031.5-1.0-5.5
OMS* 100100.0344025.47.2534.341.9-0.6-8.4
PS** 100100.0350023.97.2533.040.50.0-7.5
OMS* 119119.0344024.28.0038.947.90.2-9.1
PS** 120120.0350029.07.2538.049.01.0-10.0
Catalina 1313.2300012.34.375.46.4-0.4-1.4
Luxfer 2019.9300021.94.388.29.5 20.1-1.4
Catalina 3030.0300020.05.2513.716.00.0-2.3
Catalina 4040.0300024.95.2515.718.71.9-1.1
OMS* 4646.0264023.05.5017.621.6 30.0-4.0
OMS* 2020.0264019.53.907.59.0-1.5-3.0

Hmm ...
OMS* 8597.0300026.07.0031.038.40.0-7.4

1 with valve, boot, and a good fill - 42 lbs HP Steel: ( DIN valve only )

2 with valve & mounting bracket - 11 lbs

3 with valve, boot, and a good fill - 23 lbs

+ at rated pressure
* Faber** Pressed Steel

density of dry air = 0.076 lb / cu-ft

Weights and buoyancies that I would consider to be excessive are highlighted in red. In particular, the Faber 72 is ridiculously heavy for its size, and excessively negative, and aluminum 80s are far too buoyant when empty.

Notes on the hydro test

The hydro test requires a tank to pass certain dimensional criteria when filled to 5/3 of its rated pressure. For a low-pressure steel tank, this is 5/3 x 2400 = 4000 psi, which, for an OMS/Faber, is the manufacturer's rated pressure outside the United States. In other words, it is really no test at all, or, you basically can't fail hydro. ( You can still let it rust, though ! ) For an aluminum tank, this is 5/3 x 3000 = 5000 psi, and aluminum tanks fail quite commonly. For a high-pressure steel tank, hydro pressure is 5833 psi. Good luck.

specifications and inspection data
How to read specifications and inspection data - aluminum tanks.
specifications and inspection data
How to read specifications and inspection data - steel tanks.

Thanks again to diver Art Greenberg for scrupulously checking these numbers ( even though he's still not quite satisfied with them. )

Sargassum Fish

I prefer natural-looking decor in an aquarium. That pretty much rules out fluorescent plastic skulls and little air-powered pirate ships. There are a large number of items that are available to furnish an aquarium, and many of them are even free.

Gravel is available in almost any color you want. All fish have at least some control over their color, and will usually try to match their surroundings. Therefore, I go for darker colored gravels that make the fish's colors more intense. The same goes for the aquarium background - black paper works nicely. Artificially colored gravels are OK, but when they split open the true color inside shows through, giving a salt and pepper effect that you may or may not like. You should have enough gravel to cover the entire bottom of the tank to a depth of at least one inch.

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