Mackerel Scad

Mackerel Scad

Decapterus macarellus

Size: to 12"

Habitat: coastal waters

Notes: Scads are diminutive Jacks. Late in the season huge schools of 3-4" babies may be found in the rivers and swarming around the inshore reefs. Note the detached rays on the dorsal and anal fins near the tail, forming a finlet like a mackerel. They are mainly harvested for bait but are also sometimes eaten dried or salted.

Mackerel Scad
Herb Segars Photography

Golden Shiner

Notemigonus crysoleucas

to 12"
usually much smaller

There are hundreds of species of shiners in North America, and dozens in New Jersey. The Golden Shiner is probably the most attractive of these minnows in our area, although only the male wears these colors, and then only when breeding. Otherwise, they are much drabber. Shiners prefer quiet or slowly flowing waters.

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