This is a Monster

Finished stubbing-in all the artificial reef pages, and integrating the dive sites and artificial reefs sections. It actually works better than the old hand-made site. Lots of nice automatic menus everywhere. Over 600 pages, and a lot more to go.

Still finding and fixing bugs, but the basic architecture is sound. I think the best plan is to put in blank pages for everything and get the 'tree' right. Then I can fill in the content, or 'leaves'.

The built-in search works really well; the outboard search in the old site has become balky.

Gargle is already showing interest, even though I am currently discouraging them.

Tiger Shark

Galeocerdo cuvier

to 24 ft

open ocean, also enters rivers and bays at night

extremely dangerous

tiger shark teeth

The serrated teeth are designed for sawing chunks from large prey items

If you are going to worry about a shark, let it be this one. Tiger Sharks are big, bold and inquisitive, and frequently come close inshore. They are also remarkably undiscriminating in their eating habits, which makes them even more likely to attack a swimmer, or anything for that matter.

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