
I had a knock-down-drag-out brawl with WordPress over how it should work - the way it wants, or the way I want. I won. The back-end editor is now almost WYSIWYG, and the front end is behaving much better as well.

In addition, between some features I have discovered and some things I am forcing it to do against its will, I think WordPress can now do all the styling and niceties of the old html site.

The site is slowly transforming into a true database - I can slice and dice the entries in many different ways, and the whole thing is also searchable.

Winter Flounder

Pseudopleuronectes americanus

to 25" and 8 lbs.
usually much smaller

Profile by
Paul G. Scarlett,
Principal Fisheries Biologist
Bureau of Marine Fisheries

Common Name:
Winter Flounder,
also called Flounder, Blackback, Black
Flounder, Georges Bank Flounder, Lemon
Sole, Sole, Flatfish, Rough Flounder, and Mud Dab

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