Some Bug Fixes

After about a year of stable operation, I fixed a few minor bugs in my WordPress theme and plugins, mostly in the back end. The only thing noticeable is that I got the broken tide tables working again. Other than that, the system seems pretty mature, I can't think of any new features to add, and my code seems to be pretty resilient against changes in the WordPress core. In other words, try as they might, they have not broken my extensions in a long time.

On the plus side, WordPress has had auto-update functionality for quite some time, and it works great. The core, themes, and plugins all update with no action required by me. I remember having hundreds of WordPress sites to manage, and an elaborate scripting system I created to push out updates to all of them. Much of that would no longer be necessary.

Despite all my complaining about it, I've yet to find anything better than WordPress. That may be because I have stopped looking. I have WordPress doing everything I want it to.


A month later, and I am still finding and fixing little things. Most of them are very subtle and would not be noticed by anyone but the programmer/administrator. But I fix them nonetheless.

I really like the spellchecking functionality of Grammarly. Lets me turn my brain off, which is its natural state.

I have found no correlation between good visibility and anything else at all. Calm seas certainly don't hurt, but the worst visibility I have ever been in was with a 1-foot surf on the beach. There is however a very good correlation between bad visibility and storms, which is why a single hurricane can end the season.

Other factors which influence visibility are: algae blooms, spawning seasons of some invertebrates, which can fill the water with tiny swimmers, jellyfish ( yes, so many you can't see through them, luckily they don't sting, ) other divers churning up the bottom, and just plain gunk in the water. I don't know how to predict most of these, except to say that if you dive a lot, sooner or later you will see some good visibility. Sometimes in the ocean, the visibility will be different in different depth layers. I have seen the viz go from 3 ft on the way down the anchor line to 20 ft on the wreck.

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