This is a Monster

Finished stubbing-in all the artificial reef pages, and integrating the dive sites and artificial reefs sections. It actually works better than the old hand-made site. Lots of nice automatic menus everywhere. Over 600 pages, and a lot more to go.

Still finding and fixing bugs, but the basic architecture is sound. I think the best plan is to put in blank pages for everything and get the 'tree' right. Then I can fill in the content, or 'leaves'.

The built-in search works really well; the outboard search in the old site has become balky.

Gargle is already showing interest, even though I am currently discouraging them.

I love the part where they dynamite the coral reef to get the boat through. For science! They also run over a baby whale, and kill the poor thing. At least they didn't fondue it. I have so say though, science was manlier in those days, and scientists weren't afraid to wear short-shorts.

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