
Bananas are great !!!
Fun Fact #1: Bananas grow on trees !!!
Fun Fact #2: Bananas come from the Republic of South America !!!
Did You Know? Botanically, the banana is a berry !!!
Bring some for the whole boat !!!
Don't forget the Captain !!!
They're better than beets !!!
Oh No !!! A deadly Banana Beet Spider !!! Abandon ship !!!

Beet Spiders are easily identified because they only have seven legs. After millions of dollars worth of government-funded research, scientists have determined that the Beet Spider is so mean that sooner or later it bites one of its own legs off. Some have only six legs, or even five. You really want to stay away from those.

Never bring beets on a boat !!!

Bananas - God's Perfect Packaging

I did some php programming in my custom WordPress theme, and gave it a new ability. Now on each page I can embed related pages, which previously only appeared as links in the sidebar ( and still do. ) While it is possible to embed anywhere, the sensible place is at the end, after all the content. Embedding a page in the middle of another page would probably be confusing. Actually, when a page is embedded, only the beginning of it is displayed, with a link to the whole thing. Then I got an even better idea, and added the page's 'parent' to the list. I also made some formatting changes so that each embedded page is clearly a separate entity.

What is really cool about this for this website is that now every dive site's page now includes the relevant charts. This is something I always had in the back of my mind, but I never thought of an easy way to do it across hundreds of pages, until now. Once the code was finished, it took just a single change in the WordPress setup to make it happen.

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