Atlantic Torpedo

Atlantic Torpedo

Torpedo nobiliana

Size: to 6 ft long, 200 lbs., and 220 volts

Habitat: Soft sandy bottoms, from water's edge to 350 ft. Uncommon.

Potentially dangerous

Distinguishing characteristics: Round body with a short tail and no stingers. This fish can produce enough electricity to stun a swimmer, but it is usually unaggressive. They are uncommon but deserve mention for the surprise they pack. I have seen unaware divers ( including a PADI "Underwater Naturalist" instructor ) get zapped in the tropics by the smaller ( 40 volts ) electric rays there.

Atlantic Torpedo

Sea Girt Inlet is reduced to an outflow pipe. The water it releases is often so contaminated with goose droppings that it causes beach closings for miles around.

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