Sargassum Fish

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Sargassum Fish

Histrio histrio

Size: to 6"

Habitat: wherever the current takes them

Notes: Sargassum fishes are found in drifting clumps of Sargassum weed. They are certainly one of the most bizarre fishes you may encounter. Their closest relatives are deep-sea anglerfishes and the local Goosefish. The paired fins are used exactly like arms and legs, and the Sargassum fish is a clumsy and reluctant swimmer. In fact, the pectoral (arm) fins can be folded over below the elbow, giving the fish an opposable grasp much like our own hands!

Sargassum Fish
In aquarium

Shipwreck Macedonia
I found this old painting labeled "Macedonia" and "1894". This certainly could be the same ship. Another Macedonia enters the records in 1900, just a year after this one was lost.
shipwreck, steamer, Germany
( at time of loss chartered to Ward Lines, see Mohawk )
Macedonia is a region in the southern Balkans, adjoining Greece, and formerly part of Yugoslavia.
1894, England
( 280 x 41 ft ) 2268 gross tons, 19 passengers & crew
Tuesday June 13, 1899
collision with liner Hamilton ( 3127 tons) - 1 casualty
40°21.418' -73°56.153' (AWOIS 1991)
60 ft

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