Freshwater Perches & Darters

Percidae is the second largest family of fishes in North America, after Cyprinidae (Minnows). They are not related to saltwater Perches, which they superficially resemble.


Darters are diminutive perches that inhabit quiet or slowly flowing waters. They swim in hops and spurts, mainly just sitting on the bottom as they search for the small invertebrates on which they feed. The Tessellated Darter Etheostoma olmstedi ( right, to 4.5" ) is the commonest in the area. Many midwestern species are brightly colored, but we are not so lucky, all of ours are drab.


Walleyes Stezostideon vitrium are enormous darters that grow up to 2 ft and 20 pounds. Although not native to New Jersey, they are widely introduced for sport fishermen. They are aggressive predators of other fishes. Sauger is similar but smaller.

Yellow Perch

Yellow Perch Perca flavescens grow to 16 inches. They travel in schools, sometimes of hundreds of individuals, and feed along the bottom on almost anything they encounter.

Juvenile Walleye
Juvenile Walleye

shipwreck, sailing ship, Italy
566 tons
March 4, 1881; ran aground in storm - 1 survivor
25 ft

Also known as the Italian Wreck, the Ajace was sunk at 4:00 AM on March 4, 1881. At the time, she was carrying a small cargo of scrap railroad iron and 2,040 empty petroleum barrels. While bound for New York from Belgium, the Ajace was caught in one of the worst storms of the year and ran aground off Rockaway beach. Many sources report that Captain F. Morice, seeing that all hope was lost, opened his private supply of brandy and shared it with his crew. Soon after, the crew became badly beaten from the pounding of the waves and drunk from the brandy.

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