Cozumel Underwater 2

Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Cozumel - Threespot Damselfish
Threespot Damselfish Pomacentrus planifrons

Ferocious, territorial, extremely pugnacious, and fortunately only four inches long. In the background is the tentacle of a Giant Anemone Condylactus gigantea .

Cozumel - French Angelfish
French Angelfish Pomacanthus paru. Now my collection is complete.
Cozumel - Smooth Trunkfish
Smooth Trunkfish Lactophrys triquiter. These are not very trusting - this is the best shot I was able to get all week.
Cozumel - Yellowtail Damselfish
Yellowtail Damselfish Microspathadon chrysurus

Unfortunately, the shot is clouded by condensation on the camera lens. The blue spots are incredibly intense, like LEDs. Lettuce Coral at upper-left, Common Brain Coral Diploria strigosa at lower-left.

Cozumel - Giant Anemone
Another Giant Anemone close-up. This and the next picture seem to suffer from some sort of bad camera or strobe setting.
Cozumel - Flamingo Tongue
Flamingo Tongue Cyphoma gibbosum. A snail that feeds on Sea Fans Gorgonia and Sea Rods Plexaurella ( as it's doing in this picture. ) Pity the colors didn't come out.
Cozumel - gunboat wreck
Looking over the bow of the gunboat wreck.
Cozumel - gunboat wreck
Looking back over the stern of the wreck, with a school of Bar Jacks Caranx ruber.
Cozumel - gunboat wreck
The propellers and rudders ( one lying in the sand ).
Cozumel - gunboat wreck
A big diesel inside the engine room.
Cozumel - gunboat wreck
Cozumel - gunboat wreck
More blue
Cozumel - Red Finger Sponge
Wow, that red really hits you after all that blue. Alright, I admit I diddled with the colors a bit. Red Finger Sponge?
Cozumel - Blue Chromis
Blue Chromis Chromis cyaneus. The little guys are often the hardest to get - by the time you line up the shot, they're gone!
Cozumel - lobsters
A cave full of "lobsters". These aren't real lobsters though - lobsters have claws! These are some kind of insect I think. Yellow Boring Sponge Siphonodictyon corraliphagum above.
Cozumel - Chromis
Close up - more Chromis.
Cozumel - Rock Beauty
Another close-up. The yellow tail in the center of the picture belongs to a Rock Beauty Holacanthus tricolor - a small and very evasive type of angelfish.
Cozumel - Ocean Surgeon Fish
Ocean Surgeon Fish Acanthurus bahianus
Cozumel - Deepwater Lace Coral
Deepwater Lace Coral or Sea Fan Iciligorgia schrammi

Shipwreck General Slocum
shipwreck, barge, USA
1891, Brooklyn NY USA, as General Slocum
( 235 x 37 ft ) 1284 gross tons, 4 crew
Monday December 4, 1911
storm - no casualties
25 ft ( 30 ft, including mud )

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